Transition is an on-going process in everyone’s life that takes place at different stages. This might be from the final years of school to the early years of higher education, occupational training, independent living or social opportunities. Also it can be from the final years of college/campus to the early years of one’s career. Transition from campus to career needs more attention as it involves a lot of planning. The objective of the planning must ensure that the person possesses the necessary skills to enable the person to cope up with the corporate culture and climate.
For an individual, starting to work in an organization is a unique and critically important phase that requires a special perspective and strategy to be successful as a fresher. Research suggests that the success of the transition period will have a major impact on aspects like salary, advancement, job satisfaction, and ability to have cordial relationships within the organization as well as on one’s own feelings of success, accountability and commitment to the job.
Campus life and corporate life are fundamentally different. If one continues to have same expectations from his employer as he/she had from the professors in the campus, one will be highly disappointed and damage the career success as the culture of education is so different from the organizational culture. So, we need to bridge the gap.
Life in college/university has a structure and you know what to expect. Be it exams, classes, conferences, etc, you know the outcome. Corporate life is the exact opposite. It is fast paced and you often face deadlines and tight schedules. No two days may be the same. One can learn a lot by involving oneself in hands on activities within the organization.
The biggest challenge while transition from campus to corporate, you yourself have to develop the self confidence that you have the ability to perform the job assigned to you. You also will be expected to demonstrate that you have the ability to learn and perform more to the satisfaction of your superiors. The more you deliver, more the expectations is added from your end.
It is only you who has to create your space in the team as contributing member, because nobody likes a weak link in their team. Believe in one thing, in the end you will get through this and transform into a beautiful corporate butterfly!
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